Ana Devlin Gauthier: District 5
What would you say are the biggest challenges Amherst faces?
I see the current moment in Amherst as one of great opportunity. Over the next few years, the council will face multiple challenges/opportunities which have the potential to shape the future of our town for years to come. I believe that three of these opportunities are:
1. The need for simultaneous and significant capital improvement projects. Delaying these four projects would be a mistake for our town both financially and with regards to the wellbeing of our community. Each of the projects is also an opportunity to continue forward movement on our climate goals as well as take action to promote equity.
2. Opportunities for improving equity and justice. Every action taken by the council has the opportunity to move the needle on equity and justice, and we need to ask and ask again what we could do as councilors in any given moment to make that happen. I am thrilled with the prospect of a community safety model that is designed by our community. I believe that there is immense potential in the CRESS program, and that it deserves full funding and a full opportunity at success.
3. The lack of affordable housing (for rent or purchase) in Amherst. Increased work needs to be done with UMASS to encourage increased on-campus housing options for students. We also need to ensure that our zoning and planning bylaws encourage a variety of affordable and sustainable options in new and retrofit buildings, and promote opportunities for all potential new members of our community to live here, not only for those with means.
What relevant experiences and qualities would you bring to the Town Council that would help it work through these challenges constructively and effectively?
I feel very lucky to have experienced Amherst from multiple key points in my life. I was shaped deeply by my experience in the Amherst Regional Public Schools, and believe that that experience fostered a deep belief in advocacy and justice. I have the experience of returning to Amherst as an adult and putting new roots down, of meeting those who had recently made Amherst their home, and those who have been here for generations. I believe in hearing these stories of our community, kindling their passion for change, and fostering this community for years to come.
My experiences on the Conservation Commission and the Community Preservation Act Committee in particular have given me an understanding of the need for elected officials to support the community in understanding how to navigate the often-confusing bureaucratic landscape, to challenge the assumption that the ways things have “always been done” is always the best route, and not simply state “it can’t be done”, but seek possibility and new pathways.
My professional work centers on helping individuals and teams develop in order to support a healthy culture of an organization. This work is especially needed now, as we find ourselves in need of councilors who engage in outreach and support their constituents in making positive change.
I have the ability to think both strategically and with compassion about the decisions our council will need to make in the coming term. I seek to earn and keep trust, and to listen and engage respectfully. I rely on qualitative data of lived experience, and the quantitative data of research and assessment, and always bring a lens of equity and justice to the decisions being made. I am eager to help continue making positive change, and am energized about our future as a town.
Have you ever served on an elected board or committee in Amherst and if so, what were 3 of your most challenging votes?
I have been a member of three appointed committees, the Conservation Commission, the Community Preservation Act Committee (as the Conservation Commission representative), and the Dog Park Task Force, but Town Council would be my first elected position. I would not classify any of the votes from these three committees as “challenging”. Within the DPTF, the votes were all necessary to move the project forward and options were clear based on budget and location. Within the Conservation Commission, votes are cast for projects based on their ability to follow state and local bylaw, and after conversation with applicants to ensure we are doing our best to protect our natural resources.
Within CPA, we found ourselves needing to remember our scope when considering projects. This past year, the question of providing CPA dollars to the Jones Library Archives was raised. While the provision of these funds was contingent on the council voting to authorize the bond, the challenge was to remember that our scope as a committee was to authorize this portion of funding, for the specifically indicated use (the archives). While it was not challenging to do, I appreciated the committee's commitment to holding one another to our purview, regardless of our personal belief as to whether or not the expansion of the Jones was a good idea.
The more challenging part of CPAC was not a vote, but was when proposals were submitted by resident groups which were truly excellent projects, but were not framed to be within the parameters of the CPA guidelines. In my opinion, we have a responsibility to folk in our community to support their understanding of how to follow these guidelines, and moving forward, the CPAC has altered their processes to allow for informational sessions to support resident groups in submitting applications.
What steps would you take to engage low-income residents, renters, residents of color, and other underrepresented voices?
Ultimately, the primary step that I would take to engage folks who have been underrepresented in the decision-making bodies of the town is by centering those groups in conversation and designing engagement processes around their needs. Too often, we expect folks to learn and navigate modes of engagement which have not encouraged, or have objectively denied them a seat at the table. I would engage in outreach in a very relational way. For example, going door to door, engaging with organizing groups and holding district meetings in different accessible points in the district as well as virtually.
Too often, the steps required to engage with the Town Council and see change as a result are challenging to navigate. While residents are often told that public comment is the greatest way to speak to council, open meeting law prevents the council from discussing what is commented in the meeting, and the timing is often limited to two minutes. As councilor, I would make sure to provide opportunities for true dialogue outside of those meetings, so that when I am able to comment in my role, I am bringing the experiences and opinions of my community to the table, not just my own.
Lastly, we must continue to challenge the assumptions we have been working under for how folks engage with local government. We need to engage in community research around how folks would like to engage or see change happen. We need to implement anti-racist and bias mitigation development for all bodies, both elected and appointed. For example, those responsible for appointing committee members should participate in training around mitigating bias during interviews and selection processes. We should continue the opportunity for remote participation in committee and council meetings, as well as promote new modes for outreach to councilors.
“One Town, One Plan” has been in development and in public discussion for over a decade. The plan is designed to meet the town’s most pressing infrastructure needs in a financially responsible way, and prioritizes the following four projects equally: the Jones Public Library Renovation & Expansion, the Elementary School Building Project, the Department of Public Works Building, and the South Amherst Fire Station. Do you support this plan? Why or why not?
I fully support “One Town, One Plan”. Action on each of these projects are each necessary for continuing Amherst’s legacy as a vibrant and healthy community, and not doing them now will ultimately only increase their costs to the town. Fortunately, due to matching fund opportunities, smart budgeting, low interest rates and more, Amherst is in a position to fund all four projects with only one debt exclusion override.
The Jones Library Renovation and Expansion - Ultimately, moving forward with this project will be up to our community this November. The plans for renovation and expansion align with our climate goals, better meet the needs of our community as demonstrated through use of the library, and the ultimate cost to the town (~15.8M) is comparable to the estimated costs needed to simply repair the existing infrastructure.
The Elementary School Building Project - In a town that values education as deeply as Amherst does, to have two school buildings which are not designed for optimal student learning is unacceptable. I am excited about the prospect of building a new school building, and would support authorizing the borrowing to do so. Our students and our teachers deserve to learn and work in a building which supports their full potential.
The Department of Public Works Project and The South Amherst Fire Station - The need for both of these facilities is clear. The current facilities are outpaced by our current need, leading to faster wear on town equipment and a hazardous work environment for our DPW staff, firefighters, and paramedics. We also need to ensure our staffing of firefighters and paramedics matches the needs of the town and adequately supports these new facilities.
As a member of the Town Council, how would you engage and communicate with your constituents, including those who have not previously been active in town politics?
1. Hosting regular office hours in accessible locations. I have started this practice as part of my campaign, and it has been wonderful to have the opportunity to meet with residents and hear their stories of what they love about Amherst, and what they wish for the future of our community.
2. Open district meetings, with virtual options. This is a current practice that I would continue, with increased frequency. These meetings would include an overview of what is happening, an opportunity for input and discussion, and time for residents to voice what they would like to see their councilors advocating for in the coming month. I would also include special district meetings around larger issues such as the budget.
3. Engagement opportunities designed around the needs of the community spanning multiple modalities. I hope to continue to learn how the members of my community would like to engage, and meet them where they are so that we can continue to build an accessible, transparent, and effective form of government. Engaging with not only the Council, but with our government in general, seems to require learning a new language as well as navigation of plenty of red tape. As councilor, I see a significant part of my role as ensuring my constituents are aware of what is happening, as well as what it means for them now and in the future.