Dorothy Pam: District 3
What would you say are the biggest challenges Amherst faces?
Amherst has to grow, but not lose itself. The Town needs to increase tax revenue to carry through with the 4 major projects: library, school, DPW, and Fire House, and to include and spend sufficient funds to keep its physical plant in good working order. There is great need for increased housing –both attainable and affordable for its present workforce and to attract new skilled workers and families to energize the town. But Amherst must do this without sacrificing its character as a small New England college town with a rich and diverse cultural history. At the same time Amherst must work for greater equity for all people in its schools, civic institutions, public safety, and in its neighborhoods.
What relevant experiences and qualities would you bring to the Town Council that would help it work through these challenges constructively and effectively?
The relevant experiences and qualities that I bring to Town Council are a deep experience in civic life including local organizing against the Vietnam War, for civil rights, improved access to health care, clean air, community preservation, integrated education, women’s rights. I developed my abilities to bring about social change through running campaigns, being elected to party office in Queens New York City 5 times, teaching in the inner city in Jr. High schools and the City University of New York, being a board member for the Norfolk (CT) Library and for the Historical Society. Since 2010 I have been teaching English, Communications, and Theatre courses at Holyoke Community College, and since 2018, as an elected member of the Amherst Town Council, serving on the Finance Committee, TSO (Town Services Committee) and the CRC (Community Resources Committee).
Have you ever served on an elected board or committee in Amherst and if so, what were 3 of your most challenging votes?
So many of the votes on Town Council are challenging that it is impossible for me to single out 3 such votes. I can say, that as an independent thinker, I have to think issues through thoroughly before voting. The learning curve has been steep; there are not hours enough in the day or night to do the reading, consulting, and thinking necessary for so many issues. My focus has to be on the issue before me demanding attention. For example, right now, after a morning of teaching, an afternoon dealing with a final revision of the CRC Comprehensive Housing Policy, I should be preparing for a pop up Planning Board meeting where new items are being presented related to parking—a major issue for my constituents and the town. I have no fear of challenging issues and try to deal with them fairness and strength by addressing the issues straight on and speaking up when necessary.
What steps would you take to engage low-income residents, renters, residents of color, and other underrepresented voices?
As a Town Councilor I have enjoyed opportunities to join with the Town outreach staff in meeting residents all over town at various housing complexes and to engage them in conversation about their issues. Our visit to North Village was so useful for understanding their later demonstration in Town Hall and helped lead to a successful resolution. My visit to Olympia Oaks has helped shape my ideas of what successful affordable family housing can look like and strengthens my efforts to increase the supply of attainable and affordable housing in Amherst. Affordable and attainable housing is one of my key issues; I have been speaking up for a plan for Reparations which includes increasing African Heritage residents’ first time home ownership.
When opportunities arise to honor various groups and historic events, I have joined in the proclamations and flag raising, as well as participating in local fundraising events for BIPOC churches and causes.
“One Town, One Plan” has been in development and in public discussion for over a decade. The plan is designed to meet the town’s most pressing infrastructure needs in a financially responsible way, and prioritizes the following four projects equally: the Jones Public Library Renovation & Expansion, the Elementary School Building Project, the Department of Public Works Building, and the South Amherst Fire Station. Do you support this plan? Why or why not?
Yes, I support the four major capital projects. Extensive study and research have shown that these existing central community institutions needed extensive renovation, in some cases expansion, or in some cases, new construction to be able to meet the needs of the Town’s residents. Climate change, improvements in renewable energy sources needed to meet the Town’s energy goals, new technology and increased reliance on the Internet and media, new understandings of what makes a building safe, recent understanding of air circulation’s role in prevention of the spread of air born diseases, all point to the need for major changes in these central buildings. I add a fifth project, the rebuilding of the Centennial Water Purification plant, so necessary to maintain Amherst’s water supply into the future. The Town Manager and the Town’s financial staff have prepared for these expenses through increasing reserves and improving our credit rating to merit a low interest rate. Only one project will need a vote for a tax over ride which I am confident will pass.
As a member of the Town Council, how would you engage and communicate with your constituents, including those who have not previously been active in town politics?
I communicate with my constituents by sending frequent Pamograms (email newsletters), delivering flyers door to door, attending (and often hosting) the Precinct 10 monthly Brunch, and joining with my fellow District Councilor in holding frequent District Community meetings at the Jones Library or on Zoom. Many of my neighbors feel free to communicate with me by email, texts, phone calls, or by walking by my house on Amity Street and stopping to say hello. Pre-Covid, I held in person office hours at the Jones Library; since Covid I hold small meetings on my front porch. Most of my contacts with constituents are as neighbors talking about local issues that concern us both. I also have a website ( which I am currently renovating.